Having Eli and Lacy live so close has been nothing short of heaven-sent. Seriously. I can't tell you how great it is to join them for Sunday dinners and to stop by occasionally during the week. (In return for a fabulous meal Eli makes me play a board game with them afterward. Let me put an emphasis on board game. Gah, not my fav, but it's totally worth the food and the company :) But really, those two have been so good to me.
Eli has become one of my best friends. We've had some meaningful heart-to-hearts that I won't forget. I feel comfortable telling him everything--work, guys, money, fears, triumps, ward, frustration--and he tells me about his life. Heh, he's also talked to me about home equity, travel bugs, Star Trek history, and more. I know. We do it all.
Last Friday he picked me took me on a motorcycle ride, we went out to eat at a flatbread pizza joint, and browsed through Barnes and Nobel. The next day we went up Milcreek Canyon to go geocaching and Eli wouldn't leave until we found the box we were looking for. He's no quitter, which is actually a really good example to me. Here's to my older brother!
That's awesome Abby. Siblings are priceless!